Why Harry Reid is so bullish Democrats will win the Senate on Election Day

Why Harry Reid is so bullish Democrats will win the Senate on Election Day

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid predicted this week Democrats will retake control of the U.S. Senate after the fall elections.

“This is going to be a change election,” Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, told CNN. “Trump is going to be beaten, we’re going to pick up the Senate.”

He predicted Democrats would win GOP-held Senate seats in Colorado, Montana, Maine, North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona.

“As we speak, we’re ahead in Alaska. So, this is a change election,” he said.

Mr. Reid also said President Trump is fixated on a “nonexistent” issue in criticizing Nevada’s new law to mail all active registered voters a ballot due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“The legislature did a good job,” he said. “It’s making a big hullabaloo over nothing. … He’s raising concerns that are nonexistent.”

The Trump campaign is suing over the new law.

Republicans have tried to distinguish between absentee voting, which typically requires voters to affirm that they have a disability or another valid reason why they can’t make it to the polls, and new laws and policies where people are automatically sent vote-by-mail ballots or applications.

During the 2012 campaign, Mr. Reid alleged without evidence that Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, didn’t pay taxes for a decade.

Mr. Reid said later that “of course” Mr. Romney paid taxes.

He said he had “zero” apologies and “no repentance” “because it was an issue that was important” and Mr. Romney ended up losing the election.

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