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Tax breaks help boost corporations' charitable giving: Report - Virus Reports
Home News Tax breaks help boost corporations’ charitable giving: Report

Tax breaks help boost corporations’ charitable giving: Report

Tax breaks help boost corporations’ charitable giving: Report

Charitable giving by corporations increased by more than 10% last year, thanks in part to tax breaks and a strong economy, according to a new report on philanthropy.

Corporate giving rose by more than 13% in 2019 to $21.09 billion, says the annual report from GivingUSA. Researchers at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy attribute the increase to higher pre-tax corporate profits and a higher GDP.

“The economy going into this year was actually a strong year,” Una Osili, director of research with the Lilly Family School, said Tuesday in a press conference announcing the results.

The report also documents the decreasing share of overall giving accounted for by individuals, especially moderate and low-income individuals — a trend started during the Great Recession and exacerbated by tax reform in 2017.

“We’re seeing a further decline in the fraction of Americans who are giving,” Ms. Osili said.

In 2019, Americans gave $449.64 billion to U.S. nonprofits, the second-highest level ever documented by GivingUSA, which has been tracking charitable giving over 60 years.

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