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Former Clinton adviser on Biden election: 'It resembles a suicide march' - Virus Reports
Home News Former Clinton adviser on Biden election: ‘It resembles a suicide march’

Former Clinton adviser on Biden election: ‘It resembles a suicide march’

Former Clinton adviser on Biden election: ‘It resembles a suicide march’

A previous consultant to President Bill Clinton has doubts that the Democratic Party will officially nominate Joe Biden to run versus President Trump.

” It’s tough to see.

Biden has not yet secured the 1,991 delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination on the first tally but is the only candidate left in the race after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ended his campaign previously this month.

Morris pitched New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a possible replacement. Cuomo’s national profile has been elevated for his handling of the coronavirus crisis, leading some to hypothesize that he could introduce a last-minute bid for the White House. The governor has shot down any talk that he may run.

” I believe there is a significant chance … that people will write in Cuomo’s name.

Morris, who said he would write in Cuomo’s name on his tally, has long been a doubter of Biden. In March, he questioned the former vice president’s mental skill and stated he didn’t think he might beat Trump in November.

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