These best friends were given a 2 percent survival rate at birth — now, they’re graduating high school together

These best friends were given a 2 percent survival rate at birth — now, they’re graduating high school together

Odin Frost and Jordon Granberry were facing long odds.

Both were born with conditions that would, at best, make their lives far more difficult than other kids. At birth, they were given around a 2 percent chance of survival. Doctors said neither was likely to make it past age seven — and if they did, they’d never be able to walk.

In June, Odin and Jordon took a walk that defied those odds. The two men, now 18, strutted across the stage as they graduated from high school.

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Jordon, who suffered brain damage due to a lack of oxygen and Odin, who is non-verbal autistic, first met when they were three years old, according to KXAS-TV. Odin’s dad, Tim Frost, told the outlet had a memorable first encounter.

“Jordon had just bit Odin, and Odin retaliated by pinching him back,” Frost said. “I think that was their way of showing each other what they were capable of, and in a funny way, a bonding moment.”

Frost, who called the graduation a “surreal” moment, shared a photo of the ceremony on Reddit. Next to it, he included an image from their first day of school all those years ago.

Credit: Tim Frost/Reddit

Credit: Tim Frost/Reddit

The two men graduated from their school in Tyler, Texas on June 16. Frost said it was particularly special that Odin was able get his diploma with Jordon by his side.

“Most kids Odin’s age, as well as adults, have not been kind to him,” Frost told KXAS-TV. “They look on, stare or even are scared of them … [But] with each other, there never was any thought in the world that there was something different or wrong with them, as it should be.”

Reddit users seem to love Odin and Jordon’s friendship, too. Frost’s post has drawn more than 120,000 up-votes, and thousands of positive comments.

“Defying the odds! Wonderful! Congratulations! Hard work for parents, too,” one user wrote.

“The way your son’s best friend looks at your son … adorable,” another added.

“Their friendship endured as did they. Both achievements are impressive. Does my heart good to see this!” another added.

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