Never Trumpers mount $4 million ‘Orange Crush’ ad blitz against Trump in Florida

Never Trumpers mount $4 million ‘Orange Crush’ ad blitz against Trump in Florida

Republican Voters Against Trump said Wednesday it will spend $4 million on an “Orange Crush” ad campaign in Florida opposing President Trump’s reelection.

The Never Trump group intends to showcase former Republican voters who have decided to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden in 2020. The “Orange Crush” initiative is being led by RVAT strategic director Mike Murphy, a longtime adviser to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush who lost to Mr. Trump in the 2016 GOP presidential primary.

“Beating Trump in Florida makes it nearly impossible for him to be reelected,” Mr. Murphy said in a statement. “Extensive research has shown us that there are enough people who are ready to change their mind and get Biden across [the] finish line.”

Mr. Biden has a 1.5% advantage on Mr. Trump in Florida, according to RealClearPolitics’ average of Florida general election polling from September 10-22. An ABC News/Washington Post poll released on Wednesday, however, showed Mr. Trump leading by 4 percentage points, 51-47, among likely voters in Florida.

Given the closely contested race, RVAT said Wednesday it ultimately expects to increase its “Orange Crush” budget to $8 million to 10 million in hopes of ending Mr. Trump’s presidency.

RVAT’s ads that begin airing this week will run into October statewide, including in major markets such as Tampa, Miami, Fort Meyers, Sarasota and West Palm Beach. The initial $4 million ad buy includes a six-figure investment targeting DIRECTV users, estimated to include slightly more than 200,000 voters.

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