Pro-Trump group runs ad: ‘Does Joe Biden have dementia?’

Pro-Trump group runs ad: ‘Does Joe Biden have dementia?’

A pro-Trump super PAC is asking voters in a new television to consider whether former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is suffering from dementia.

The Committee to Defend the President said it has invested $400,000 in the “Lost His Mind” ad that started airing Wednesday in Arizona and across social media.

“Does Joe Biden have the mental capacity to keep America safe?” the narrator says in the ad, which features footage of Mr. Biden making meandering comments and stumbling through worlds. “Is Joe Biden making any sense? Does Joe Biden have dementia?”

Mr. Biden, 77, is running to become the nation’s oldest president. His penchant for verbal gaffes and miscues has caught the attention of some voters and provided fodder for his critics.

The ad closes out with the narrator saying: “In a world losing its mind, we don’t need a president who has already lost his.”

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