28 additional COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts, 373 new cases

28 additional COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts, 373 new cases

28 additional COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts, 373 new cases


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28 additional COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts, 373 new cases

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported 28 new COVID-19-related deaths across the state Saturday, bringing the state’s total to 8,041.In addition, state health officials reported 373 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to 108,443.DPH recently began reporting both confirmed cases and probable cases. Of the new cases reported Saturday, 68 are probable. Two of the newly reported deaths fell into the probable category.State health officials said the addition of probable cases and deaths is part of an effort to continue to offer transparent reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic.As of Saturday, 769 patients with the virus were hospitalized in Massachusetts. There were 143 patients reported to be in the ICU. Click here to see a graphical look at COVID-19 data.LIST: Updated town-by-town breakdown released by state As of June 24, weekly data shows that 91,404 Massachusetts patients have been released from isolation, meaning they are considered to have recovered from the virus.PHNjcmlwdCBpZD0iaW5mb2dyYW1fMF85MTUyMTg3My03NmRhLTQ0ZmUtOTA0Ny1mMTllZWFlZGFjNmQiIHRpdGxlPSJDb3JvbmF2aXJ1cyBpbiBNYXNzYWNodXNldHRzIiBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZS5pbmZvZ3JhbS5jb20vanMvZGlzdC9lbWJlZC5qcz9yeXoiIHR5cGU9InRleHQvamF2YXNjcmlwdCI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+New data is published daily around 4 p.m.


The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported 28 new COVID-19-related deaths across the state Saturday, bringing the state’s total to 8,041.

In addition, state health officials reported 373 new confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, bringing the total to 108,443.

DPH recently began reporting both confirmed cases and probable cases. Of the new cases reported Saturday, 68 are probable. Two of the newly reported deaths fell into the probable category.

State health officials said the addition of probable cases and deaths is part of an effort to continue to offer transparent reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of Saturday, 769 patients with the virus were hospitalized in Massachusetts. There were 143 patients reported to be in the ICU.

As of June 24, weekly data shows that 91,404 Massachusetts patients have been released from isolation, meaning they are considered to have recovered from the virus.

New data is published daily around 4 p.m.

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