Young voters loyal to socialism could compromise Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s chances of winning the White House. How? Easy. This huge demographic still has a crush on former presidential hopeful Sen. Bernard Sanders.
“Although it’s very likely a Biden presidency would move the country in a more extreme-left direction, the more socialistic policies America’s youth have come to believe are essential ‘rights’ wouldn’t be put into place as quickly as they would under a Sanders presidency, a political reality many young leftists believe to be completely unacceptable,” wrote Heartland institute analyst Justin Haskins in an essay for Fox News.
“This has put liberals in an extremely difficult situation. The further to the left they move, the more difficult it will be for them to win in vital, more moderate swing states, which is precisely why the Democratic Party establishment chose the mostly unappealing Biden as party nominee. However, the more moderate the party appears, the less enthusiastic and more disenfranchised young progressives and socialists have become,” Mr. Haskins said.
“In transforming U.S. schools and colleges into socialist indoctrination centers, the Left has created a whole generation of uncompromising young voters who believe anything short of Bernie’s radicalism is intolerable and even corrupt. It’s a political monster that liberals can no longer control, and it could have a far-reaching impact on the 2020 race,” he said.