Why it is important to quit the tobacco habit amid COVID 19 crisis?

Why it is important to quit the tobacco habit amid COVID 19 crisis?

Dr. Shravan S Shetty, Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Asian Cancer Institute, Mumbai on why people should quit Tobacco and embrace a healthy lifestyle, especially now amid the COVID-19 crisis.

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Updated: June 15, 2020 04:03 pm

Health & Fitness,Coronavirus covid 19,tobaccoWhy it is important to quit the tobacco habit amid COVID 19 crisis?

Almost 29% of Indians (260 million) aged 15 years and above consume some form of tobacco, according to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey. Tobacco is a leading cause of cancer as well as other non-cancerous conditions like chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, etc. This COVID 19 pandemic which has struck us has affected us both physically and mentally. In an LMI country like ours, the financial impact cannot be overlooked. The COVID 19 virus primarily affects the lungs, hence patients who smoke tend to need intensive care and ventilator support more than nonsmokers.

Also, the deaths among COVID 19 patients are higher in those with comorbidities like heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer, some of which are related directly to tobacco consumption or smoking. The consumption of smokeless tobacco is quite high in our country.  Saliva contains a high load of the virus in an infected patient. Chewing of tobacco increases the urge to spit which risks the entire population in the radius. Smoking increases the chance of COVID 19 by transferring the virus by bringing your hands close to your mouth. 

Smoking damages your lungs and heart and increases your chance of getting a severe case of COVID 19. Sharing of tobacco products (sheesha/hookah) is very common among youngsters and can transmit the virus among people. Tobacco consumption especially smoking is considered a social activity among friends, colleagues and fellow tobacco users. 

This pandemic has also brought us to deal with social distancing. This has resulted in a lot of stress and anxiety among the people. We have seen a range of positive mental health impacts with regard to tobacco consumption. 

According to a recent poll, 67% of the population in India has considered quitting and 69% have attempted quitting. 46% of people have reported a decrease in using nicotine and tobacco products.48% people do physical exercise and 46% of people do meditation to cope with stress and anxiety. This lockdown could be the best opportunity to kick or quit the tobacco habit as you would have to maintain social distancing or stay at home.

The physical benefits of kicking the habit include better vision, sharp hearing, clean mouth, broken addiction cycle, clear skin, decreased heart risks, lower cholesterol, stops lung damage, better immunity, lower cancer risk, proper healing, stronger muscles and stronger bones.

It also lowers the chances of erectile dysfunction and improves your chance of a healthy sexual life. In the case of women, it brings estrogen levels to normal and increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy in the future.

It lowers the financial burden on the family in terms of the need for hospitalization due to tobacco-related chronic diseases and COVID 19. 

So, quit Tobacco today and embrace a healthy lifestyle. There are many online tobacco cessation applications that can help you kick the habit.

By Dr. Shravan S Shetty, Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Asian Cancer Institute, Mumbai 

ALSO READ: World Tobacco Day 2020: Here’s how smoking affects fertility in both men and women

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