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Home Tags Vitamin


Vitamin D levels may predict future health risks, death in older men

Advances in science are helping researchers find new ways to identify diseases earlier. A new breakthrough indicates that free, circulating vitamin D levels in the bloodstream may be a good predictor of future health and disease risk in aging men.Share on PinterestLow levels of vitamin D correlate with age-related health problems, including osteoporosis.Photo credit: Crevis/Adobe…

People With Low Vitamin D More Likely to Have COVID, Study Finds

You may want to read this story in the sun.A new study has found a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19, though researchers say that doesn’t mean loading up on so-called sunshine pills will protect you from the virus.Researchers from the University of Chicago looked at 4,314 patients who were tested for the…

Lack of vitamin D might increase risk for COVID-19, University of Chicago researchers find

A lack of vitamin D may be associated with a higher risk for getting COVID-19, according to newly published research out of the University of Chicago. Researchers looked at 489 patients tested for COVID-19 at University of Chicago Medicine between March 3 and April 10, whose vitamin D levels had been measured within a year…

Vitamin D helps the body fight coronavirus, major Israeli study claims

Good levels of vitamin D, the so-called sunshine vitamin, help people to fight the coronavirus more quickly and effectively and reduce chances of hospitalization, Israeli researchers have concluded. However, others are cautioning broad conclusions, saying other factors may be involved. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern of Bar Ilan University told The Times of Israel on Sunday that vitamin…

Insufficient vitamin D increases risk of severe COVID-19, says new study

Vitamin D has long been understood to impact immune response. Vitamin D laying on the table with prescription bottle behind them. (photo credit: INGIMAGE) Low levels of vitamin D may put people at risk for developing COVID-19, according to a new study by Leumit Health Care Services and Bar-Ilan University’s Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.“The main…

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…