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Republican governors took longer in making masks a requirement

A study has found that Republican governors waited longer than Democratic governors to issuing mask-wearing mandates as a preventive measure against COVID-19. Share on PinterestPreliminary research looks at the links between state governors’ political alignment and how long it took to mandate face masks in their respective states.Christopher Adolph, of the University of Washington (UW)…

Pelosi’s Republican challenger points to neighbors ‘mad at salon owner’ after blowout backlash

John Dennis, a longtime Republican challenger of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, took to Twitter late Thursday to show just how deep the support for the liberal Democrat is in the district, even after she was caught using a shuttered salon in the city for a blowout."I live near the salon where Nancy Pelosi went…

2020 Republican National Convention, day three

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Trump Republican National Convention speakers in 2016 see hard times

For then-Rep. Chris Collins, it was his big moment on the national stage — he got to officially nominate Donald Trump to be the Republican presidential candidate at the party’s 2016 convention. Three years later, Collins would plead guilty to insider trading and lying to the FBI, and now faces a 26-month prison sentence. It…

The 2020 Republican National Convention: What to know

The 2020 Republican National Convention starts its celebratory programming Monday as Republicans officially renominate President Trump and will get four nights to provide a counterpunch to Democrats' convention from the previous week, rally their base and try to get swing voters to side with them in November.The party conventions, held every four years, have had their plans…

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Grand Jury Deliberations in Breonna Taylor Case Will Be Released

U.S.|Grand Juror in Breonna Taylor Case Says Deliberations Were MisrepresentedThe Kentucky attorney general’s office said it would release the panel’s recordings after a grand juror contended in a court filing that its discussions were inaccurately characterized.Breonna Taylor's family and the lawyer Ben Crump, right, said the charges a Kentucky grand jury agreed upon in the…

Video shows alleged ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…