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Updated on September 26, 2023 9:06 pm

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Oregon officials rescue elk who caught antlers in downed wires: video

A Roosevelt elk in Southern Oregon had to be rescued Thursday morning after its antlers got caught in downed wires, according to Oregon State Police.A caretaker of a ranch in Butte Falls found the elk fatigued and moving in circles -- likely after hours of attempting to free itself, OregonLive reported.After the caretaker called the police, the…

Oregon authorities battle conspiracy theories as firefighters fight the flames

(CNN)Wildfires are raging along the West Coast, and with them authorities in Oregon said they are fighting rumors of political origins. Multiple fires in Washington, Oregon and California have destr…

Oregon wildfires trigger heartbreak for man searching for wife, teen son, mother-in-law

An Oregon man’s desperate search for his 13-year-old son and ailing mother-in-law amid a raging wildfire turned into a tale of unimaginable horror and heartbreak.Chris Tofte had gone off to borrow a trailer from a friend last week so he and his family could evacuate their home just east of Lyon as the Beachie Creek…

Oregon residents are illegally stopping drivers at gunpoint during wildfire evacuations, sheriff says

Suspicions of looting have driven some residents of an Oregon county to illegally stop unfamiliar drivers at gunpoint, all while much of the county is under an evacuation order as wildfires rage.

California and Oregon Wildfires: Latest Updates

Firefighters were facing unpredictable wind gusts and drier weather on Monday, conditions that threaten to give new strength to raging wildfires.Right NowPresident Trump will visit McClellan Park, Calif., today to receive a briefing on the wildfires.Videotranscripttranscript‘It’s the Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen,’ Oregon Resident SaysWildfires continued to burn over the weekend, leaving dire conditions for…

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Grand Jury Deliberations in Breonna Taylor Case Will Be Released

U.S.|Grand Juror in Breonna Taylor Case Says Deliberations Were MisrepresentedThe Kentucky attorney general’s office said it would release the panel’s recordings after a grand juror contended in a court filing that its discussions were inaccurately characterized.Breonna Taylor's family and the lawyer Ben Crump, right, said the charges a Kentucky grand jury agreed upon in the…

Video shows alleged ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…