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New poll shows majority of voters believe US society is racist

A new poll on race relations in the U.S. shows that a clear majority believe the country has a racism problem.The poll, by The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, revealed that of the 900 registered voters who were asked, 56 percent agreed that American society is racist.ABC NEWS EXECUTIVE BARBARA FEDIDA FIRED FOLLOWING INVESTIGATION…

Majority of voters reject reducing police funding, despite national push: poll

A majority of voters reject reducing police funding and moving that money to social services, despite a national push in recent weeks from activist groups and some politicians, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll released Tuesday.The poll finds that a majority of Americans (63 percent) support the Black Lives Matter movement, and 69 percent say Black…

‘Vast majority’ of COVID-19 patients have antibodies for at least 3 months: study

A newly published study from researchers at Mount Sinai hospital system in New York shows the "vast majority" of patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms have antibodies for at least three months.The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, was based on nearly 20,000 individuals with the virus."...We report that the vast majority of infected individuals…

Coronavirus: Majority of patients don’t know source of infection

More than half of people with COVID-19 have no idea how or where they got infected – underscoring the need for social distancing, more widespread use of masks and better contact tracing, especially at work. That is the conclusion of a new survey by the Centers for Disease Control, released Tuesday, of 350 patients in…

Bulk of people who checked favorable for coronavirus at L.A. County centers didn’t have any symptoms

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Grand Jury Deliberations in Breonna Taylor Case Will Be Released

U.S.|Grand Juror in Breonna Taylor Case Says Deliberations Were MisrepresentedThe Kentucky attorney general’s office said it would release the panel’s recordings after a grand juror contended in a court filing that its discussions were inaccurately characterized.Breonna Taylor's family and the lawyer Ben Crump, right, said the charges a Kentucky grand jury agreed upon in the…

Video shows alleged ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…