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Israeli doctor reinfected with coronavirus 3 months after recovering

This is the second case at Sheba Medical Center in which a patient recovered from the virus and was subsequently reinfected. MAGEN DAVID ADOM workers, wearing protective clothing, bring a patient to the coronavirus unit at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan this week. (photo credit: FLASH90) A doctor at Sheba Medical Center in Tel…

Israeli doctor claims to ‘reverse’ aging with pure oxygen treatment study

An Israeli doctor says he has figured out how to “reverse” aging in the brain and has tried it successfully on volunteers. The answer, he says, has been right in front of our noses this whole time  — oxygen. Shai Efrati claims he has found that when healthy adults aged 65-plus were given a special…

Israeli researchers say new findings may lead to Covid vaccine

Jun 12, 2020, 12:59PM ISTSource: TOI.inIsraeli researchers have identified coronavirus molecules that may lead to the development of a vaccine against the virus. Bar Ilan University researchers examined antigen molecules that provoke an immune response of antibody production. These epitopes can generate both antibody and cell-mediated immune responses. The results represent potentially effective candidates for…

Netanyahu in the dock: Israeli PM finally faces corruption charges

If convicted on corruption charges, country’s longest-serving leader could be sentenced to more than a decade in jail Netanyahu with his wife, Sara; there are three cases against him. Photograph: Ariel Schalit/AP Accepting lavish gifts of pink champagne and boxes of Cuban cigars; colluding with one Israeli media mogul to publish positive news stories about…

3 Israeli kids said affected by inflammatory disease thought linked to virus

Three children in Israel are believed to have been affected by a Kawasaki-like disease thought linked to COVID-19, Channel 12 news reported on Saturday. All three recovered and have since been released from the hospital, according to the report. The children were from the northern part of the country and from Jerusalem, the report went…

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Grand Jury Deliberations in Breonna Taylor Case Will Be Released

U.S.|Grand Juror in Breonna Taylor Case Says Deliberations Were MisrepresentedThe Kentucky attorney general’s office said it would release the panel’s recordings after a grand juror contended in a court filing that its discussions were inaccurately characterized.Breonna Taylor's family and the lawyer Ben Crump, right, said the charges a Kentucky grand jury agreed upon in the…

Video shows alleged ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…