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Updated on September 26, 2023 9:06 pm
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Updated on September 26, 2023 9:06 pm
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Link found between metabolic syndrome and worse COVID-19 outcomes

New research has linked metabolic syndrome with an increased risk of worse outcomes in people with COVID-19.Share on PinterestResearch finds that people with conditions that make up metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes.A new study has found that people with metabolic syndrome, which refers to a cluster of conditions that increase…

Study found plastic in every seafood sample it analyzed

New research suggests microplastics have invaded the food chain to a greater extent than previously documented.Share on PinterestNew research indicates the prevalence of microplastics in seafood is greater than initially thought.Image credit: Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP via Getty ImagesMillions of metric tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. Some of it is highly visible in the…

Washington teen found alive in woods after missing for 8 days, dubbed ‘miracle’

A teenager who went missing for over a week in Washington state was found alive Saturday in the heavily wooded Cascade Mountains, authorities said.The King County Sheriff's Office said Giovanna "Gia" Fuda, 18, was discovered by search and rescue crews in the woods near Highway 2 in Stevens Pass, east of Seattle."It's very rare. It is definitely a…

Coronavirus: Pet cat found to have virus in UK

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption A small number of coronavirus cases in pets have been found in Europe, North America and Asia A pet cat has tested positive in the UK for the strain of coronavirus that is causing the current pandemic. Experts say it is the first confirmed case of infection in an…

Bat found near AT&T store in Anaheim tests positive for rabies, O.C. health officials say

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Grand Jury Deliberations in Breonna Taylor Case Will Be Released

U.S.|Grand Juror in Breonna Taylor Case Says Deliberations Were MisrepresentedThe Kentucky attorney general’s office said it would release the panel’s recordings after a grand juror contended in a court filing that its discussions were inaccurately characterized.Breonna Taylor's family and the lawyer Ben Crump, right, said the charges a Kentucky grand jury agreed upon in the…

Video shows alleged ballot harvesting in Ilhan Omar’s district

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A Once-in-a-Century Climate ‘Anomaly’ Might Have Made World War I Even Deadlier

(John Finney Photography/Moment/Getty Images) An abnormally bad season of weather may have had a significant impact on the death toll from both World War I and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to new research, with many more lives being lost due to torrential rain and plummeting temperatures. Through a detailed analysis of an ice…