St. Joseph County orders face masks to be worn in businesses -TV

St. Joseph County orders face masks to be worn in businesses -TV


Updated: Sun 8:08 PM, May 03, 2020

ST JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. (WNDU) – St. Joseph County Health Officer Dr. Robert Einterz issued a public health order Sunday night with goal to protect citizens from the coronavirus.

The order reads in part:

-Any business establishment open to customers shall make alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol readily accessible at the entrance and in proximity to hightouch surfaces.

-A face covering over one’s nose and mouth shall be required for any persons entering an enclosed public space or place of business, unless such persons have a medical exception indicating that a face

covering is ill-advised for health reasons, or the face covering prevents the persons from delivering or receiving services. The face covering shall be worn at all times when physical distancing of at least six

feet cannot be maintained.

The order goes into effect May 4, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. and will be in effect until July 4, 2020.

Einterz said he anticipates the order will stay in place until the level of immunity in the county reaches 70% as determined by serological testing of a representative sample of the population of the county.

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