- Contactless pickup available and contactless payment encouraged
- Employees required to wear face coverings at all times, face coverings for guests required when not seated.
- Outdoor dining permitted* following standard social distancing requirements. (The details: Application process pending; dining areas considered outdoors include rooftops, rooms with retractable roofs and indoor spaces where 50% or more of a wall can be removed via the opening of windows, doors, or panels provided that dining tables are within 8-ft from such openings.)
- Employees and diners encouraged to maintain 6 feet physical distancing.
- Visual signage posted throughout facilities regarding hygiene, social distancing, proper PPE and more.
- Employees frequently disinfect facilities.
The report released by the city included more detail:
Spacing: Tables would need to be 6 feet apart. Barriers are required between tables when that distance is not possible. Some Chicago restaurants have already talked about using bookcases or Plexiglas.
Barriers would also be required at counters and registers when distancing is not possible.
Areas where patrons or employees line up must be marked with distancing guidance.
No big parties: Tables will be limited to six people. Any area where people may gather (lounge areas, etc.) can have no more than 10 people. Plus no planned events with more than 10 people.
Employee screening. Staff is encouraged to self-identify symptoms and stay home if they’re sick. Before they enter the restaurant, employees must self-screen for symptoms, including temperature over 100 degrees, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and a loss of taste or smell.
Cleaning: Restaurants must throughly clean and sanitize their spaces before opening and during business.
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Supply disposable items when possible, including menus, containers condiments, and sanitize those items that are not disposable, such as tables and chairs. Menu boards or digital menus are encouraged.
Self-serve food and drink stations are out.
Workplace. Proper ventilation is stressed according to CDC guidelines.
Counter and bar seating is out. But allowed at sushi bars and diner counters, but with 6-feet of spacing.
Other regulations covering testing, training, third party visitors and more can be found here.