Poll: Trump’s approval on immigration drops 9 points among Republican voters | TheHill

Poll: Trump’s approval on immigration drops 9 points among Republican voters | TheHill

President TrumpDonald John Trump Trump responds to calls to tear down monuments with creation of ‘National Garden’ of statues Trump: Children are taught in school to ‘hate their own country’ Trump accuses those tearing down statues of wanting to ‘overthrow the American Revolution’ MORE‘s approval from Republican voters on the issue of immigration dropped 9 percentage points in the last month, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Eighty-two percent of Republicans said they approved of the job the President was doing on the issue of immigration in the June 22-23 survey, compared to 91 percent who said the same in the May 13-14 poll.

The president’s approval among voters overall on the issue of immigration fell 7 percentage points in a month from 54 percent in May to 47 percent in June.

Last week, the Trump administration announced a plan to refocus his reelection efforts on the issue of immigration, in hopes to energize his base. 

The details include new immigration restrictions that would limit work visas and a promise to refile paperwork to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, following the Supreme Court’s June decision to block the president’s attempt to end it.

Immigration was focal point in the President Trump’s 2016 campaign, with most of the campaign conversation revolving around issue of illegal immigration.

However, advocates argue the Trump White House has gone too far in its treatment of those who are attempting to enter the country legally.

A recent Gallup poll found that for the first time, Americans want more immigration than less.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 951 registered voters between June 22-23. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.18 percentage points.

Gabriela Schulte

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