Message from Berkeley health officer: Face coverings are now needed

Message from Berkeley health officer: Face coverings are now needed

Berkeleyside is sharing this message from city of Berkeley Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez. It was released Friday night and appears below completely.

Today, I provided an Order mandating using face coverings for everybody especially clients and workers in vital organisations so that infected individuals without signs don’t inadvertently spread out COVID-19

While we have seen many people cover their faces in public considering that the CDC and Bay Location Health Officers first suggested face coverings 2 weeks ago, it has not been enough.

While people need to follow this mandate immediately, we are offering a grace duration on enforcement up until 8am on Wednesday, April 22.

Face coverings are not a replacement for staying home, remaining 6 feet apart, and cleaning your hands regularly. A covering over mouth and nose is an additional tool in our toolbox of weapons to combat COVID-19 No end date has been set for when this requirement will end, so prepare appropriately.

This order applies to everyone in the City of Berkeley. Health Officers in Contra Costa, San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma counties along with the rest of Alameda County have also provided similar orders this week.

Why cover your face

Furthermore, those who do end up being visibly ill can be contagious as early as 48 hours prior to they reveal symptoms.

When you’re required to wear a mask

Everyone should cover their face when out in public such as checking out a necessary service, seeking healthcare, or while utilizing shared transport, including buses, BART, taxis cab, rideshare, or paratransit.

Employees at important organisations need to cover their face most of the time while at work, consisting of:

  • when engaging with the general public
  • in any area gone to by the public
  • anywhere food is prepared
  • in typical locations
  • in any room where other people are present

Motorists of public transit, flight share or taxis need to wear a mask the entire time they are in the vehicle, no matter whether or not passengers are present.

You don’t require to cover your face when home alone or when around people you deal with.

Extremely few are exempt

There are some very particular people who do not have to wear a face covering:

  • Anyone who has problem breathing, is immobilized, or otherwise not able to remove a face covering without support.
  • Anyone who has been encouraged by a doctor not to wear a face covering.
  • Any employee to the level wearing a face covering creates a security threat at work under recognized health and safety standards.


  • Face coverings are optional for children 3-12 years of ages.
  • Kids 2 years or younger need to not use masks, as they might develop a risk of suffocation.
  • Moms and dads and caregivers should monitor usage of face coverings by kids to avoid abuse.

Outdoor exercise

You’re not needed wear a mask while working out outdoors, however you need to carry one with you and put it on when it is not possible to remain 6 feet apart from others.

When exercising, take additional precautions to keep away from others around you, such as crossing the street to avoid sidewalks with pedestrians. Running and cycling triggers individuals to expel airborne particles more powerfully, which makes the typical minimum 6 feet distance less adequate.

Picking and taking care of your mask

Your mask must be made from cloth, material, or other soft material and cover the lower part of your face just, including your nose and mouth. Do not utilize surgical masks or N-95 s– medical grade masks are needed for health care employees and first responders.

Basic do-it-yourself face coverings are great. You can improvise a face covering utilizing a scarf, bandana, neck gaiter, tee shirt, or towel. The CDC has produced tutorials on how to make a mask in the house:

  • Step-by-step directions for stitch and no-sew masks
  • Video demonstration: make a no-sew a mask from a tee shirt

Your mask must be comfy and allow you to breathe generally through your nose. Make sure it fits well– you should avoid touching your face or adjusting your mask as soon as you have actually put it on.

Wash face coverings after each usage.

Efforts to slow the spread are working

As of today, Berkeley homeowners have been under a stay home order for one month. I’m grateful to everyone making sacrifices to safeguard our neighborhood. I know how difficult it is to see our daily lives disrupted, to not be able to enjoy favorite activities, and to be separated from friends and family.

Information shows that our collective action is working. We are slowing the spread of COVID-19 in the Bay Location. We need to take extra actions to protect ourselves and particularly our important employees who run the risk of direct exposure day in and day out.

The formula for keeping our community safe is easy. Stay at home. Cover your face. Wash your hands. Keep your range.

Thank you to all who have actually been, and continue to practice these procedures.

Lisa B. Hernandez, MD, MPH
City of Berkeley Health Officer

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