Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 8 points in post-convention poll

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 8 points in post-convention poll

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden held an 8-point lead over President Trump in a national poll taken immediately after last week’s Republican National Convention.

Mr. Biden held a 51% to 43% lead over Mr. Trump, according to the Morning Consult poll released on Tuesday — the same margin compared to polling taken immediately before the Democratic National Convention.

Mr. Trump got a bit of a convention “bump” in the daily tracking numbers right after the Republican National Convention concluded on Thursday, but that boost had dissipated by Sunday.

Mr. Biden also led Mr. Trump in a number of battleground states, according to polling conducted from Aug. 21-30.

The Democratic National Convention was held Aug. 17-20 and the Republican National Convention was held Aug. 24-27.

Compared to pre-convention polling, Mr. Biden gained ground in states like Arizona and Michigan while Mr. Trump gained ground in states like Pennsylvania and Florida:

• Arizona: Biden 52%, Trump 42% (Before conventions: Trump 47%, Biden 45%).

• Colorado: Biden 51%, Trump 41% (unchanged).

• Florida: Biden 49%, Trump 47% (Before conventions: Biden 50%, Trump 45%).

• Georgia: Biden 49%, Trump 46% (Before conventions: Trump 47%, Biden 46%).

• Michigan: Biden 52%, Trump 42% (Before conventions: Biden 50%, Trump 44%).

• Minnesota: Biden 50%, Trump 43% (Before conventions: Biden 50%, Trump 42%).

• North Carolina: Biden 49%, Trump 47% (Before conventions: Biden 49%, Trump 46%).

• Ohio: Trump 50%, Biden 45% (Before conventions: Trump 49%, Biden 45%).

• Pennsylvania: Biden 49%, Trump 45% (Before conventions: Biden 50%, Trump 44%).

• Texas: Trump 48%, Biden 47% (Before conventions: Trump 47%, Biden 46%).

• Wisconsin: Biden 52%, Trump 43% (Before conventions: Biden 49%, Trump 43%).

The pre-convention battleground state polls of 16,485 likely voters were conducted from Aug. 7-16 and have margins of errors ranging from plus or minus 2 percentage points to plus or minus 4 percentage points.

The Aug. 21-30 polls of 17,813 likely voters have the same range in margins of error.

The national polls of roughly 12,000 likely voters were conducted from Aug. 14-16 and Aug. 28-30 and have margins of error ranging from plus or minus 1 percentage point to plus or minus 2 percentage points.

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