LoCO Staff /
@ 11:59 a.m. /
COVID-19 and Humboldt
HEALTH OFFICER: Almost All Businesses Can Reopen Now (So Long as They Get Certified); Movies, Gyms and Even Bars Cleared for Takeoff
Press release from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:
Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich today announced that businesses in industry sectors with state-provided guidance can begin to reopen after their reopening plan has been certified by the Humboldt County Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
At today’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Dr. Frankovich noted that some high-risk businesses are currently operating out of compliance with county and state guidelines. “At this point, it’s more important to open safely and ahead of schedule than to have businesses open before a plan is in place to protect the health and safety of customers and employees,” she said.
Industry sectors now cleared to reopen with EOC-certification include:
- Gyms and Fitness Centers
- Zoos and Museums
- Wineries, Breweries and Bars
- Movie Theaters and Family Entertainment Centers.
Reopening plan applications for these sectors will be available at humboldtgov.org/covidreopening by the close of business Friday, June 26. The review and certification process takes two to three business days, and businesses may begin to reopen with safety measures in place after they receive EOC certification.
“Personal responsibility has never been more important. Our community’s success going forward is largely in the hands of our businesses and community members,” Dr. Frankovich said. “We have the tools we need to limit transmission and keep ourselves, our families and our neighbors safe. If we choose to follow safety measures like physical distancing, wearing facial coverings, avoiding gathering in groups outside of our household as much as possible and using good hygiene practices, we can limit transmission of COVID-19 and help keep each other safe.”
The following businesses and activities are not permitted by the state to reopen and remain closed statewide:
- Indoor playgrounds such as bounce centers, ball pits and laser tag
- Live theater
- Saunas and steam rooms
- Nightclubs
- Concert venues
- Festivals
- Theme parks
- Higher education (in person), except where supporting essential workforce activities, including but not limited to providing housing solutions, COVID-19 response and training and instruction for the essential workforce.
To learn more about the reopening process and to submit a plan, go to humboldtgov.org/covidreopening. View a list of all certified businesses listed by sector at humboldtgov.org/covidcertified. Some businesses may choose not to reopen in-person services. Please call ahead before visiting any business to ask about hours of operation and any safety measures in place.
For the most recent information about COVID-19, visit CDC.gov or CDPH.ca.gov. For local information, visit humboldtgov.org, call 707-441-5000 or email [email protected].
Follow us on Facebook: @HumCoCOVID19, Instagram: @HumCoCOVID19, Twitter: @HumCoCOVID19, and Humboldt Health Alert: humboldtgov.org/HumboldtHealthAlert