Exclusive Poll: Young Voters Losing Confidence In Trump’s Ability To Handle Pandemic

Exclusive Poll: Young Voters Losing Confidence In Trump’s Ability To Handle Pandemic

Biden Retains 20-Point Lead Among Americans Under 30— But Many Remain Undecided


hen the Forbes Under 30 Voter Survey, Powered by John Zogby Strategies debuted in January, President Donald Trump was in the middle of impeachment proceedings, former vice president Joe Biden was one of 12 candidates jockeying for the Democratic nomination, and the economy was adding 225,000 new jobs. Around that time, the World Health Organization had received official notice of a novel coronavirus that would come to be known as COVID-19.  

Four months later, nearly 1.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and close to 90,000 have died. More than 36 million people have filed for unemployment, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. With all eyes on the November election, Trump and Biden must each make their case for steering the ship through the storm. It won’t be easy.

According to the Forbes Under 30 Voter Survey, which polls likely voters between the ages of 18 and 29, young people are not totally confident in either Trump’s or Biden’s ability to navigate the pandemic. Worse for Trump, though, is how some young voters are losing faith. In March, 45% viewed the president’s coronavirus response favorably. Now only 40% do, as Trump has come under fire for his erratic response to the pandemic, as well as promoting unsubstantiated coronavirus treatments and stoking stay-at-home order protests.

Trump’s Rating For His Coronavirus Response Has Dropped Among Under 30 Voters


Among those surveyed, 45% believe Biden would better lead the nation through the crisis, while 29% back Trump. At the same time, 26% either do not know who would fare better or maintain that neither leader is up to the task. Close to half said they would they would prefer Biden over Trump as president during the pandemic, a percentage that is largely unchanged from two months ago.

Young Voters Would Prefer Biden To Be President During The Coronavirus

Who do you prefer to be president when dealing with the coronavirus pandemic Donald Trump Joe Biden Zogby Poll Infographic

A majority (54%) of these Gen-Z and Millennial voters do, however, approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, thanks in large part to the stimulus protection package passed by Congress. When it comes to who would be more likely to fix the tanking U.S. economy, Biden barely edges out Trump, winning 38% of the votes versus 35%. These economic considerations will likely carry weight come November, as young Americans grapple with layoffs and stifled income. According to the survey, 33% of respondents have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic, a higher proportion than the estimated one in five Americans who have lost a job during the crisis.

Yet, despite the hardships and spate of photographs depicting crowded parks and beaches, the majority of young Americans don’t want the nation to rush the reopening: 57% agree that it’s better to stay at home longer to stop the spread of coronavirus. Similarly, 62% say they consider protests against stay-at-home orders in states like Michigan to be dangerous, while only 23% support these rallies.

Most Under 30 Voters Think Stay-At-Home Protests Are Dangerous


Despite all the economic and social upheaval of these past few months, Biden has not added to his substantial lead against Trump. The matchup looks a lot like it did in January, with most incremental changes falling within the 3.1% margin of error. In the first installment of our Forbes Under 30 Voter Survey, Biden beat Trump head-on by 51% to 35%, with 14% undecided. Support for Biden among young voters is up just 3% since January to 54%, but down 2% since March. Trump’s support has dipped just 1% to 34%.

What is perhaps most notable, however, is how many still have not made up their minds.  A significant 12% of young voters remains up for grabs, roughly one third more than in March, suggesting that some voters are wavering and may feel less sure of their choices in light of the pandemic. 

November Election Matchup Is Largely Unchanged By Pandemic


These numbers are consistent with national polls, if slightly more left-leaning. A recent CNN survey clocked Biden up 5% nationally but behind by 7% in key battleground states, making those undecided young voters all the more coveted.

Unfortunately for Biden, his commitment to select a female vice president likely won’t move the needle. In fact, adding either Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) or Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) to the ticket keeps both candidates’ numbers exactly the same as when no vice presidential candidate was mentioned. Picking Stacey Abrams—who ran unsuccessfully to become Georgia’s governor and who has been  campaigning to be named to Biden’s ticket—would erode support for Biden to 51%.

In the months leading up to the November election, Forbes will continue to keep a close eye on how the candidates fare among this desired demographic. After all, this cohort will hold sway over U.S. politics for the next 50 years—or more. Of those surveyed, one third will be voting in their first-ever presidential election.

The Forbes Under 30 Voter Survey, Powered by John Zogby Strategies, was conducted online on May 12, 2020, and consisted of 1,009 likely voters ages 18 to 29. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points.

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