By: Franchesca Hackworth
Updated: July 14, 2020 – 3:52 PM
MIAMI COUNTY — Miami County Public Health announced that they are investigating an outbreak of Cyclosporiasis in the county.
Cyclosporiasis is a gastrointestinal infection caused from ingesting foods containing the parasite Cyclospora, stated a media release from public health.
Symptoms associated with a Cyclosporiasis infection are watery, sometimes explosive, bowel movements, but can also include loss of appetite, stomach pain/bloating, fatigue and extreme weight loss.
Four cases have been confirmed in Miami County since May 31.
Those infected began experiencing symptoms in early June and continued to have symptoms of diarrhea and nausea, stated public health.
Miami County Public Health says to call their hotline at 937-573-3458, if you have had these symptoms in or around early June.
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