April 19, 2020 | 2: 55am | Updated April 19, 2020 | 12: 44pm
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Paul Martinka
Police were called to 8702 Avenue L in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn as a large group allegedly shooting a rap video inside the EnVee Barbershop.
Police broke up a raucous party that packed more than 50 people into a Canarsie barbershop Saturday night — despite the ongoing coronavirus quarantine.
The defiant revelers began filing in the eNVee Barbershop around 6 p.m. for a rap music video shoot that quickly spiraled into a raging party as music blasted from the single-story shop on Avenue L, residents told The Post.
“It was crazy. I think it’s unsafe. You’re putting cops in harm’s way. You’re putting all of us in harm’s way,” said a neighbor living several doors down.
By 10 p.m. a massive police presence had arrived — as large as the soiree itself.
Partygoers, many in their late teens and twenties, were handcuffed with zip ties and processed on the scene as more cops worked to keep the several dozen gawkers on the sidewalk at least six feet away from each other.
“We’re pioneering the anti-lockdown,” one suspect told The Post.
Under the coronavirus lockdown, residents must remain six feet apart while in public and gatherings of any size have been banned outright. Offenders face fines up to $1,000.
“It was a regular Brooklyn function. That’s the problem. We’re not supposed to have functions right now,” the neighbor said.
Attendees came out of the barbershop one by one and were searched, cuffed and ordered to sit on the sidewalk.
Reports of speakeasy restaurants and illicit shindigs have circulated as government officials try to keep people separated to quell the spread of the deadly virus. In New Jersey, the second-worst impacted state, Gov. Phil Murphy has repeatedly had to remind against “corona parties.”
“What you expect? People are stuck inside their house on Saturday night,” the neighbor in Canarsie said. “They want to go out and they can’t. It’s stressful.”