Colorado’s confirmed COVID-19 cases top 30,000

Colorado’s confirmed COVID-19 cases top 30,000

Confirmed coronavirus cases in Colorado reached 30,539 on Sunday — an increase of 190 from the prior day, according to data released daily by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

No new deaths were reported Sunday in either of the fatality categories tracked by the state health department. Sunday’s data shows 1,647 people with COVID-19 have died in Colorado, and 1,429 deaths have been directly attributed to the novel coronavirus. About three-fourths of those who have died were 70 or older, according to the data.

About 280,000 people have been tested for the virus in Colorado, according to the state data, and authorities have tracked 330 outbreaks at facilities like jails, nursing homes or factories.

At least 160 coronavirus patients are currently hospitalized in Colorado — up slightly over the last few days, according to the data. Another 95 patients are suspected to be suffering from the highly contagious respiratory disease.

That is much lower than mid-April, when nearly 900 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized in the state. Hospitals in Colorado are using about 285 of 1,093 available ventilators, according to the data.

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