Chris Cuomo’s ratings plummet as Americans tire of brothers’ schtick

Chris Cuomo’s ratings plummet as Americans tire of brothers’ schtick

Americans have spoken with their clickers — and they’re sick of Chris and Andrew Cuomo show.

Chris Cuomo yuks it up with his governor bro during an almost daily “check-in” on his CNN show since the coronavirus started ravaging New York — and America wants it to stop.

At first, the shtick was successful. Ratings hit an all-time high on March 30, with 862,000 daily viewers in the 25-54 age demographic. But since then, according to the Daily Mail, the ratings for Cuomo Prime Time have tanked, plummeting by 50 percent since Chris recovered from COVID.

While all the cable news shows have seen ratings drop due to COVID exhaustion, Cuomo has particularly grated with his “frequently silly and un-substantive interviews” with his older brother — in which they have fought over who their mother loved more; Andrew’s “double barrel shotgun” nose, and Andrew’s “single status.”

The segments have been panned as ratings stunts done for laughs while thousands of New Yorkers died of the coronavirus.

The Cuomos were slammed again last week by Queens lawmaker Eric Ulrich, who is demanding the City Council investigate Gov. Cuomo’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis in nursing homes, where over 5,800 elderly have perished.

“Thus far, the Governor has avoided answering tough questions about his decision. His recent appearance on CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time was equally disgraceful,” Ulrich fumed.

“Journalism that truly aims to restore trust in media would hold Andrew Cuomo to account for these missteps,” David A. Graham wrote in the Atlantic this week. “The problem comes when the efforts to juice ratings start to get in the way of accurate journalism that holds officials accountable.”

“The View” host Meghan McCain also blasted the bros on Twitter for the nursing home crisis, retweeting journalist Nicholas Fondacaro who posted a clip of the Cuomos and said: “Instead of asking his brother, @NYGovCuomo why he decided to pack COVID patients into nursing homes, killing untold amounts of people, @ChrisCuomo pulled out oversized, prop cotton swabs to mock how big his brother’s nose was. This is the state of ‘journalism’ on @CNN.”

Viewers have also been upset with hair-trigger tempered Chris Cuomo’s hypocritical behavior during the pandemic.

At the end of April, CNN aired a posed video of Cuomo “re-emerging” from his quarantine in the basement of his Hamptons mansion, despite Cuomo having been out and about in East Hampton a week earlier and getting into a fight with a “jackass loser fat-tire biker” who had asked why an infected unmasked Cuomo was breaking quarantine.

Read more from the New York Post.

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