Alabama crosses 200 coronavirus deaths, what we know about these cases

Alabama Department of Public Health. Since Saturday morning, 77.5 percent of victims were 65 years of ages or older. The infection also seems to continue to disproportionately affect black Alabamians – 45.1 percent of Alabama victims were black individuals, even though just only 27 percent of the state’s population is black.

Related: Death rate due to coronavirus highest for black Alabamians

The infection also seems to be eliminating men at a greater rate than females, though ADPH didn’t have data on death characteristics by gender on Saturday. Since Thursday, ADPH reported almost 60 percent of virus victims in Alabama were males, while only 48.5 percent of the state population is male, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Characteristics of COVID-19 deaths in Alabama

Data from Alabama Department of Public Health.


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