July 11, 2020 | 6:20pm | Updated July 11, 2020 | 6:49pm
President Donald J. Trump, center, wears a face mask as he arrives to visit with wounded military members and front line coronavirus healthcare workers.
EPA/Chris Kleponis
President Trump is covering up.
The president, who has resisted calls to wear a face covering in public throughout the coronavirus epidemic, appeared for the first time with one before the White House press corps. It was navy blue bearing the presidential seal in gold.
The occasion was a visit to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., where he met with wounded troops and medical staff on Saturday.
“I love masks in the appropriate locations,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House.
Earlier in the week he had promised to take the precaution during his visit.
“You’re in a hospital setting, I think it’s a very appropriate thing,” the president told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Thursday.
Trump has worn a face mask — out of the cameras’ glare — at least once before, during a visit to a Ford auto plant in May, NBC News reported.