Trump’s struggles to stand still didn’t go unnoticed during Memorial Day visit to Arlington

Trump’s struggles to stand still didn’t go unnoticed during Memorial Day visit to Arlington

New York Daily News

May 25, 2020 3:20 PM

President Donald Trump turns after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, in honor of Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, in Arlington, Va.

President Donald Trump turns after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, in honor of Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, in Arlington, Va.(Alex Brandon/AP)

President Trump’s struggles to stand still during a Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery lit up social media Monday, prompting users to recall past incidents in which the commander in chief, who turns 74 next month, struggled to find a balance.

“Is the President having trouble standing up straight as the National Anthem begins at Arlington Cemetary (sic) or am I seeing things?” Joshua Potash from Queens asked on Twitter.

The Trump critic posted that video, along with another clearly showing the president swaying in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Potash wasn’t alone in finding the somber moment moving in a different way.

“I think it’s the bone spurs,” joked tweeter Kimberley Cooke, referring to one of the five draft deferments that got the president out of serving in the military during the Vietnam War.

Some critics wondered about the president’s physical and mental well-being after seeing the bizarre video. Others suggested he may be wearing uncomfortable shoes.

It was also pointed out that the president could be tired from the weekend he spent on the golf course after several months away from the links on account of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump started Memorial Day by rage-tweeting that the press was out of line for covering his decision to golf when nationwide deaths tied to the COVID-19 pandemic neared the 100,000 mark.

“What they don’t say is that it was my first golf in almost 3 months,” he wrote on Twitter.

The President frequently uses a golf cart rather than walking the course.

The fact that Trump recently said he’d been taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine also arose in the Twittersphere, though the president reportedly said Sunday he was no longer using that medication. indicates winds were coming in around 4 mph Monday.

The president got straight to the point Monday by standing up for military personnel fighting the war against coronavirus.

“Tens of thousands of service members and national guardsmen are on the front lines of our war against this terrible virus,” Trump said. “As one nation, we mourn alongside every single family that has lost loved ones, including the families of our great Veterans.”

The president’s poor posture was the focus of a “Daily Show” segment in November that featured several images of Trump in strange stances.

“There’s one Donald Trump quirk that has not gotten the attention it deserves and that has to be the way he stands,” host Trevor Noah joked. “That is not how a normal human being stands.”

In 2016, Vanity Fair also made the president’s posture an issue with a photo-driven story that asks, “Why can’t Trump stand up straight?”

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