110 new COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts; 1,239 new cases confirmed

110 new COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts; 1,239 new cases confirmed

Number of residents in quarantine more than doubles since last week

110 new COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts; 1,239 new cases confirmed

Number of residents in quarantine more than doubles since last week

110 new COVID-19 deaths reported in Massachusetts; 1,239 new cases confirmed

Number of residents in quarantine more than doubles since last week

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health confirmed 110 new COVID-19-related deaths across the state Friday, bringing the state’s total to 5,592.The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases rose to 83,421 after 1,239 new cases were reported by state health officials on May 15.To date, 435,679 tests for the virus have been conducted in Massachusetts after 11,318 new tests were reported Friday.Click here to see a graphical look at COVID-19 data.LIST: Updated town-by-town breakdown released by state State health officials said about 3% of all coronavirus patients are currently hospitalized.Roughly 61% of the deaths reported statewide occurred at long-term care facilities as of Thursday, according to state health officials.Stay updated: Subscribe to daily Coronavirus NewsletterHelp: Here’s how to get help/offer help during outbreakTo date, 48,372 Massachusetts residents have been subject to quarantine since the COVID-19 outbreak began and 27,812 people have completed quarantine, according to the state’s weekly report released May 13. PHNjcmlwdCBpZD0iaW5mb2dyYW1fMF85MTUyMTg3My03NmRhLTQ0ZmUtOTA0Ny1mMTllZWFlZGFjNmQiIHRpdGxlPSJDb3JvbmF2aXJ1cyBpbiBNYXNzYWNodXNldHRzIiBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vZS5pbmZvZ3JhbS5jb20vanMvZGlzdC9lbWJlZC5qcz9yeXoiIHR5cGU9InRleHQvamF2YXNjcmlwdCI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+.


The Massachusetts Department of Public Health confirmed 110 new COVID-19-related deaths across the state Friday, bringing the state’s total to 5,592.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases rose to 83,421 after 1,239 new cases were reported by state health officials on May 15.

To date, 435,679 tests for the virus have been conducted in Massachusetts after 11,318 new tests were reported Friday.

Click here to see a graphical look at COVID-19 data.

LIST: Updated town-by-town breakdown released by state

State health officials said about 3% of all coronavirus patients are currently hospitalized.

Roughly 61% of the deaths reported statewide occurred at long-term care facilities as of Thursday, according to state health officials.

Stay updated: Subscribe to daily Coronavirus Newsletter

Help: Here’s how to get help/offer help during outbreak

To date, 48,372 Massachusetts residents have been subject to quarantine since the COVID-19 outbreak began and 27,812 people have completed quarantine, according to the state’s weekly report released May 13.


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