4th Kerr County local tests favorable for coronavirus

4th Kerr County local tests favorable for coronavirus

A fourth person from Kerr County has actually evaluated favorable for coronavirus, Peterson Health revealed on Wednesday afternoon.

The person was exposed to the COVID-19 virus during a duration of travel and had been self separating in anticipation of becoming symptomatic. Peterson does not state if that person is presently being treated at Peterson Regional Medical Center or in the house.

The individual went to verify their suspicions about exposure by getting evaluated at the mobile clinic Peterson Health operates at Hill Country Youth Events Center. From there the screening samples were sent to a laboratory, where they were verified favorable.

” We will require the community’s full assistance and cooperation as the circumstance grows,” Peterson Health President and CEO Cory Edmondson stated. “We are committed to keeping our health care partners and public informed of Kerr County COVID-19 activity and to keeping our neighborhood and employees safe and well at all times. We can not emphasize enough the importance of continuing, if not elevating, our standard safety measures, as advised by the CDC and TDSHS.”

A third person, who is asymptomatic, was announced Kerr County authorities on Tuesday. Two other clients have actually recuperated from the virus.

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